BJJ Report | Matthew TroppSep 14NewsHas YouTube replaced our BJJ professors?Can you practice what you learn on YouTube to get better at BJJ faster?
Ryan GossenJun 1NewsThe BJJ Black Belt Smell? Why BJJ Black Belts smell the way they do. The reason why they smell so damn good!
BJJ Report | Matthew TroppOct 7, 2023NewsWait until Blue Belt to free train?Should you be able to free train before blue belt? What is the best way to learn how to free train?
BJJ Report | Matthew TroppSep 16, 2023NewsJiu Jitsu Is Not For Everyone!Is BJJ a sport for everyone? The reasons are obvious why so many people quit before purple belt.
Anon White Belt Feb 10, 2022NewsThe McDojo Revolution. A McDojo is a school that teaches a watered-down and impractical form of martial arts in the name of making money.
Matthew TroppSep 29, 2021NewsSubmit an article to BJJ Report. Share your story, Inside Information or experience! Want to give your opinion or share a point of view? Have a story to tell? Get published and truly contribute to the BJJ community! We...
Anon White Belt Apr 29, 2021NewsHELP! Why do BJJ techniques have so many trendy names?BJJ Report needs HELP! Why do BJJ techniques have so many trendy names? Should we standardize names to make it easier for people to learn?
Anon White Belt Apr 15, 2021NewsTraining BJJ at the same academy with your Significant other? Good or Bad?Training BJJ at the same academy with your Significant other? Good or Bad?
Anon White Belt Dec 18, 2020mmaWhy #everydayporrada isn't helping your waistline! (Anonymous White Belt Article #4)Why training BJJ is not helping you lose any weight!
Matthew TroppMar 5, 2020NewsWhat is BJJ Report?BJJ Report is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA and combat sports magazine. Subscribe and get it free every week.