BJJ News
Elite Sports & Born Tough
Best BJJ Tournament Prep Do's and Dont's?
5 mistakes to avoid in BJJ.
What do you love more, Winning or BJJ?
Can Older People Still Do BJJ?
What its like to watch your 11 year old daughter train BJJ.
SUBVERSIV 6: Los Angeles OCT-16 2021
Submit an article to BJJ Report. Share your story, Inside Information or experience!
How can we improve BJJ tournaments?
Misleading! The Sub-Only Competition Lie!
Referees coaching and competing? A bad idea!
Training BJJ after both heart attack and a knee injury? True Inspiration...
Have something BJJ/MMA related to say? Submit an article to BJJ Report.
Should white belts learn leg attacks?
Titan FC 70 is Friday, July 2. UFC FIGHTPASS
HELP! Why do BJJ techniques have so many trendy names?
Training BJJ at the same academy with your Significant other? Good or Bad?
Get pushed? Do you slap? Yes/No/Maybe
Can you avoid becoming a Spazzy White belt?