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Will BJJ Help you Lose Weight? Yes and No!

DISCLAIMER FROM BJJ REPORT EDITOR Matthew Tropp !!!! Disclaimer: 'the articles presented are not necessarily a reflection of the views and values of the owners of BJJ Report' This article like others was written by someone else.

“Yeah man, competition class was tough! Let’s get some burritos and acai. OSS!” - This is the battle cry of those that can’t seem to tap out their greatest opponent, their waistline.

A lot of people, myself included, joined Jiu Jitsu for the promise of getting jacked and juicy like our heroes Galvao and Gordon Ryan (as well as being able to toy with someone on the street if they look at me the wrong way). I mean, just look at them, they boast very SHREDDED physiques. With how they are positioned at the top of our sport, it’s easy to think that if we got our Jiu Jitsu skills to half of what they have, we too should shrink our waistlines and maybe even see the faint outline of our abs. Sadly, the truth is, abs are made in the kitchen, not on the mats.

As much as you colored belts give spazzy white belts, myself included, grief for flailing around helplessly during free training, we white belts are working harder each round than most of you upper belts. Think about it, the better your Jiu Jitsu is, the less work you have to do because your technique is at a higher level and you are more energy efficient. The truth is the higher level you are in jiu jitsu the less energy you may have to apply especially working with lower belts. Your may not even break a sweat.

That being said, it is very hard to truly ‘earn’ the food we eat, “Hey bro, we trained hard today!! Let’s grab a pizza...we deserve it!”” NO NO AND NO!!!! we must do better off the mats. We must stay accountable and make sure our diet is aligned with the the lifestyle we are living... and of course if we want the diet and exercise to pay dividends on and off the mats.

Jiu Jitsu may be a decent way to have fun and burn calories, but the ultimate weight-loss technique requires zero Jiu Jitsu. The technique is called, ‘Put the goddamn fork down.’ Shocking revelations here, I know. With 24 hours in the day, we can’t expect the 1 or 2 hours we spend in the academy (if at all) to overwrite the other 23 hours of poor eating habits. If we’re diligent in our Jiu Jitsu studies, we have to be just as diligent regarding the food we eat. Next time you go out for post-gym acai, order the small bowl instead of the XXXL size. Oss.

Yours Truly,

Anonymous White Belt


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